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The use of foundational algorithms making it easier to analyze and transcribe music
Determine if music would help improve mathematical computations test scores. [E] [P] Find out which type of music, Jazz or Classical, is better for aiding in mathematical performance. [E] Acoustic Music Similarity Analysis [E] Discover if a mathematical pattern can be derived from the repetitive patterns in Beethoven's Fifth Symphony. [E] Does music affect students' math performance? [P] It is known that musical notes can be created by sticking a glass of water filled to various heights. Is it possible to mathematically calculate a musical note based upon the geometrics of a glass? [E] The question of determinism vs. indeterminism in the examination of aleatory music [E] It is known that musical notes can be created by sticking a glass of water filled to various heights. Is it possible to mathematically calculate a musical note based upon the geometrics of a glass? [E] |
How various sounds, i.e. music, affect a human's resistance to becoming dizzy when spun around?
Correlation Between Relative Pitch and Age, Gender, or Musical Background [E] How does music affect the pulse and blood pressure of Alzheimer's patients? [E] Determine the most effective stress management techniques out of the four possibilities (meditation, controlled breathing, visualization, and relaxation music) for athletes [P] The Effects of Excessive Noise on the Hearing of Classical Musicians [P] Musicians and lung capacity [E] [E] [P] |
Determine whether cats respond preferentially to familiar bird sounds.
Why does my dog howl when I play certain songs on my viola? [E] What Type of Music Affects My Dog's Mood? [E] Test if music affects chickens' laying patterns. [E] |
Does music help plants grow?
What kind of music will make a plant grow tallest and healthiest? [E] [E] [P] |
Musical vibrations effect on crystal growth [P] |
Build a Telephone "Hold" With Music
Determine the amount of MP3 data compression that is acceptable in different genres of digital audio music recordings. [E] High and Low Voltage Cutout with Delay and Music Power Supply [C] Audio & Sound Circuits Sound Effects Circuits |
Musical Instrument Engineering |
Will a Guitar String Vibrate Forever in the Vacuum of Space?
Physics of Sound Physics of Music |
Psychology |
The portable J.E.T. Music Stand improves the success of music practice.
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