Is Mathematics Discovered or Invented?
Exploration and Analysis of Highly Divisible Numbers (antiprimes)
Tetrahedral Shoelace Algorithm: Calculating Volume of Irregular Solids
Use algebra and geometry to calculate the relative probability of making a successful bank shot from different positions on the court, keeping the distance to the hoop constant. Then test if you can reproduce your predictions with a scale model.
A statistical estimation of the No. of headwords in a dictionary and the size of your vocabulary.
Determine if flipping a coin is truly random.
Does The Size Of A Circle Affect The Value Of Pi?
Test the relationship between the three different dimensions (length, width and height) of a three-dimensional object with a constant volume.
Measure the dimensions of different juice box products to find out which manufacturer has the largest volume of juice and uses the least amount of packaging material.
Find out if playing video games can improve or hurt your math skills.
Does music affect students' math performance?
Mathematics: Is There a Gender Difference?
Measure the distance balls travel when launched from a catapult, and use the results to construct a histogram and assess the catapult's reliability.
How Fractals Can Explain What's Wrong with Wall Street
What Makes a Team's Winning Percentage Deviate from the Pythagorean Relationship?
Devising an Algorithm for Solving Rubik's Cube
Determine the best algorithm for strategy games.
Discover a method to multiply two numbers represented by the same quadratic form.
Research the Leibniz and Newton calculus controversy